Friday, February 28, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 10° F
Wind Chill: 1°F
Wind Direction: S at 5 mph
Dew Point: 5° F
Barometric Pressure: 1016.2 mb

With it being the last day of February, it still feels like we are in the middle of January with the temperatures we have been experiencing. Today was one of the warmest days of the week, with a current temperature of 10° F. All of these cold temperatures have been from the continental arctic air mass that has been influencing our local weather. It will continue to impact us through most of the weekend, and into the start of next week. I predict that it will be another very cold weekend for most of our region. There will be low pressure system with a cold front moving across our area on Saturday which will bring more cold air to our area once again. It will be cloudy at the start of the day Saturday, but should clear up into the evening hours and into Sunday. The skies should be clear and the winds should be fairly mild once the high pressure dome establishes itself over most of the upper Midwest.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: -5° F
Wind Chill: -24° F
Wind Direction: SW at 12 mph
Dew Point: -20° F
Barometric Pressure: 1023.7 mb

It is yet another cold and sunny day here in Eau Claire. With the pressure continually rising since yesterday afternoon, the high pressure system is settling in over much of the Midwest. This cold weather pattern looks like it may stick around for the remainder of the week. The skies are clear and the winds have been steady around 10 mph throughout most of the day. We may not even reach the projected high temperature of 0° F for the day! I believe that tomorrow we may see temperatures slightly warmer than we have seen today. With the southwest winds of today and an approaching warm front tomorrow, I predict the skies will start to cloud up, and we may even see a little bit of snow as the front approaches our area.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 12° F
Wind Chill: -5° F
Wind Direction: SW at 16 mph. Gusts at 24 mph.
Dew Point: 2° F
Barometric Pressure: 1003.8 mb

It has been a cold and very windy day here in Eau Claire. The high winds speed is due to the rapid change in pressure we have been seeing, with a steady decline since yesterday afternoon. Although the winds are stronger than yesterday, the temperature is higher which has led to a wind chill slightly warmer, but still below 0° F. I believe that tomorrow we will see colder temperatures due to a cold front that will be passing across our region as the evening progresses. That should bring clear skies, with very cold temperatures and even lower wind chills. We are in a wind chill advisory until Thursday at 3 a.m. with wind chills predicted to approach -31° F! Hopefully it will start to warm up sometime soon!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperatures: 4° F
Wind Chill: -14° F
Wind Direction: W at 15 mph. Gusts at 21 mph
Dew Point: -8° F
Barometric Pressure: 1025.4 mb

It is yet another very cold day in Eau Claire with temperatures barely above 0° F. We have had sunny skies and I believe that is due to the high pressure system that is currently sitting over the Midwest. The barometric pressure has dropped slightly, but has stayed fairly constant around 1025 mb. I believe that tomorrow we will see windier conditions than we are seeing today due to a change in pressure systems. There is a low pressure that will be moving north of Lake Superior which will cause this large pressure gradient that will make the wind speed increase. Once that passes, there is a high pressure system to follow which may bring air in that is even colder than what we are currently experiencing.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 12° F
Wind Chill: 0° F
Wind Direction: W at 9 mph
Dew Point: 0° F
Barometric Pressure: 1026.1 mb

After last weeks mild temperatures, this week will be much the opposite! The jet stream has dipped down once again and we will be experiencing cold temperatures once again. Today we have had sunny skies with winds steady out of the west. There is a slight chance of snow throughout the over night hours, but it is not expected to accumulate to any more than a half an inch. I believe that tomorrow we will see temperatures very similar to today, and that will most likely continue throughout the remainder of the week. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 14° F
Wind Chill: -2° F
Wind Direction: W at 17 mph. With gusts up to 30 mph
Dew Point: 8° F
Barometric Pressure: 1001.5 mb

It is another cold and windy day here in Eau Claire with wind gusts reaching 30 mph! It is quite a change from the past week of mild temperatures and low wind speeds. I believe that the high wind speed is being caused by a rapid change in pressure with the exiting of the low pressure system that was over us yesterday. There will be a stationary front that will be moving over our area as the day goes on and into Saturday. This weekend we should see temperatures stay in the teens with a high pressure system moving into the area from the north. The winds should calm down by Saturday morning to and the skies should be mostly clear for the weekend.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36° F
Wind Chill: 29° F
Wind Direction: E at 10 mph
Dew Point: 32° F
Barometric Pressure: 994.7 mb

It has been overcast all day here in Eau Claire, with temperatures staying around the freezing point most of the day. The snow storm that was supposed to start earlier this morning has moved slower than predicted and it has just starting snowing in Eau Claire within the last hour. There is a massive low pressure system that is currently situated over southeastern Iowa and Illinois and is supposed to move right over our area throughout the day on Friday.

There are large amount of water vapor surrounding much of Wisconsin and Minnesota. This is helping to fuel the low pressure system that is bringing all the precipitation to our area.

I predict that tomorrow we will have lingering flurries from the passing low pressure system. Due to the the large change in pressure, I believe we will see very high wind speeds as the system moves across the state. With winds currently coming out of the east, I predict that they will shift and come out of the west once the system has passed. The temperatures will drop slightly tomorrow, and the high wind speeds will cause the wind chills to drop below zero once again.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 40° F
Wind Speed: SW at 9 mph
Dew Point: 28° F
Barometric Pressure: 1010.0 mb

It was another beautiful day in Eau Claire today! We had clear skies with very mild wind speeds and temperatures finally hit 40° F! Unfortunately all this nice weather will be changing pretty quick with 7-13 inches of snow predicted for Thursday into Friday morning. The reason for this is that there is a low pressure system with a warm front leading its way to our area. We have also had south winds for the past two days which has brought moist air into the area.

With all of these factor coming together, I believe we will see plenty of snow tomorrow. It is predicted to start snowing Thursday morning around 8:00 A.M. and is expected to continue into the evening hours.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 37° F
Wind Direction: Calm
Dew Point: 24° F
Barometric Pressure: 1001.5 mb

It is a beautiful day in Eau Claire with temperatures approaching 40° F this afternoon! We have had mainly clear skies throughout most of the day, with calm winds. With the warm front moving through yesterday, we the temperatures have warmed up and are supposed to stay warm into Wednesday. I predict that tomorrow we should have conditions very similar to what we have see today. The only difference being that it will begin to cloud up later in the afternoon. There will be a low pressure system approaching which will bring more snow to our area later in the week.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 25° F
Wind Chill: 17° F
Wind Direction: S at 7 mph
Dew Point: 20° F
Barometric Pressure: 1006.3 mb

It snowed most of the day here in Eau Claire. It started while I was on my way to class at around 7:30 am and continued until around 4:30 pm. The snow was following a warm front that was pushing across the area. We had steady winds out of the south with cloudy skies all day. With the passing of the warm front, I believe that tomorrow with be warmer than today, with clear skies. It may not stay to long though, as there will be a cold front slowly moving towards us as the week progresses.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 15° F
Wind Chill: 3° F
Wind Direction: NW at 10 mph
Dew Point: 0° F
Barometric Pressure: 1015.2 mb

It was slightly colder in Eau Claire today with temperatures in the mid teens and a wind chill in the single digits. There were sunny skies due to the high pressure system that moved in from the north, which brought cooler temperatures with it. This weekend we should see some decent weather conditions. It will slightly warm up both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, there is a chance for some snow due to a low pressure system and warm front that will be moving across our area. I believe we will see sunnier skies and warmer temperatures on Sunday due to the passing of the warm front.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 22° F
Wind Chill: 6° F
Wind Direction: W at 22 mph Gusts at 28 mph
Dew Point: 16° F
Barometric Pressure: 998.9 mb

Today we had conditions very similar to yesterday morning in Eau Claire, with fairly warm temperatures with slight snowfall. The total daytime accumulation was around 1 inch. As the day went on, the winds shifted from the Southeast and and are currently coming out of the west. There is a low pressure system that is passing over us, and the change in pressure is causing the winds to pick up in speed. I predict that tomorrow will be a bit chillier than it was today. With a high pressure system moving in, the skies should clear up and the winds should slow down a bit.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 20° F
Wind Chill: NA
Wind Direction: Vrbl at 3 mph
Dew Point: 12° F
Barometric Pressure: 1018.4 mb

I woke up to cloudy skies with snow falling this morning! It snowed lightly for the first part of the day, and we ended up with around 1 inch total. There have been temperatures hovering around 20° F with calm winds throughout the day. I believe the snow fall this morning was due to the low pressure system that moved across our area last night and into this morning. I predict that tomorrow we will see very similar conditions as we did today, only with a slightly higher temperature. We have another chance for snow tonight going into Thursday, but it is not predicted to amount to much more than an inch or two.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 10° F
Wind Chill: -4° F
Wind Direction: S at 10 mph
Dew Point: -5° F
Barometric Pressure: 1028.3 mb

The day started off well below zero again, but it has slowly warmed up almost to our projected high temperature for the day of 14° F. The winds have been relatively mild out of the south, which most likely means there will be a warm up in the near future! There is a low pressure system that will be moving our way overnight, and right over the top of us in the late afternoon of Wednesday. I believe this will bring warmer temperatures, cloudy skies and low wind speeds.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 2° F
Wind Chill: -16° F
Wind Direction: W at 13 mph
Dew Point: -11° F
Barometric Pressure: 1032.0 mb

It is another cold day here in Eau Claire with temperatures staying in the single digits and a wind chill well below zero. There is currently a high pressure system moving into our area which is causing the clear skies, cold temperatures and steady winds out of the west. The cold is not expected to stay long though, with a low pressure system moving into our area as the week progresses. Tomorrow I believe we will see slightly warmer temperatures, with calmer winds since the high pressure system will be located right over us. The skies should be clear, but start to cloud up later in the evening.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 2° F
Wind Chill: NA
Wind Direction: Calm
Dew Point: -6° F
Barometric Pressure: 1024.1 mb

It was another cold day in Eau Claire today! The skies were sunny but the wind was bitterly cold throughout most of the day! As the day progressed the winds died down and there is currently just a calm wind with clear skies. The temperatures are expected to drop close to -10° F tonight. There is a low pressure system moving into the area throughout the day tomorrow.

With this low pressure system I believe it will bring in warmer temperatures with cloudy skies for Saturday. Once it passes, we may see colder temperatures on Sunday with a high pressure system moving into the area from the north.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 0° F
Wind Chill: -19° F
Wind Direction: SW at 14 mph
Dew Point: -10° F
Barometric Pressure: 1028.5 mb

It has been another very cold day here in Eau Claire with temperatures not getting above 0. The wind did not help us out any as it made it feel like it was about -19° F. The skies have been clear all day, with a strong southwest wind. With the strong southwest wind we have had today, I believe that tomorrow we will see a slight warm up in temperatures. It will most likely be another sunny day, with winds being a bit more mild than what we had today.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 5° F
Wind Chill: -10° F
Wind Direction: W at 10 mph
Dew Point: -4° F
Barometric Pressure: 1032.5 mb

It has been another cold day here in Eau Claire. It is currently 5° F and will probably not reach double digits through the remainder of the day. The winds have been fairly steady today coming from the West and Northwest. The skies have been cloudy most of the day, but it is expected to clear up throughout the night and have mainly clear skies by Thursday morning.

I predict that tomorrow we will see colder temperatures and clearer skies than what we are seeing today. The winds should be fairly mild with most of the Midwest covered by a high pressure system.With the high pressure system moving in from the north, it will bring in clear skies, but also colder temperatures.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 15° F
Wind Chill: 4° F
Wind Direction: N at 8 mph
Dew Point: 1° F
Barometric Pressure: 1030.7 mb

It has been a decent day in Eau Claire today! We have had mainly sunny conditions with the skies clouding up from time to time. The temperatures have stayed fairly steady in the mid teens and with a mild wind out of the north. The pressure has risen since yesterday and I believe that will lead to mainly sunny skies the next couple of days with fairly calm winds. I believe we will see colder temperatures tomorrow with the high pressure settling in over the upper Midwest.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 15° F
Wind Chill: 3° F
Wind Direction: W at 9 mph
Dew Point: 4° F
Barometric Pressure: 1025.7 mb

We had fairly mild weather this weekend in Eau Claire. Saturday had cloudy skies with temperatures in the mid teens. Sunday brought sunny skies with lower temperatures and a bit stronger winds. Today we have had mostly sunny skies and the wind has been fairly mild out of the west. Temperatures have been in the mid teens this afternoon.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have temperatures in the mid 20's, but that warm weather may not stay for long. There is a low pressure system along with a cold front that will be moving across our area throughout the day on Tuesday. I believe that will cause mostly cloudy skies, with lower wind speeds. Once the front passes, I predict the colder weather will move in when the high pressure from the north makes its way towards the upper Midwest.