Monday, March 31, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 56° F
Wind Direction: SE at 15 mph. Gusts at 26 mph.
Dew Point: 41° F
Barometric Pressure: 999.8 mb

It has been a wonderful day here in Eau Claire! It started off cloudy with some sprinkles early in the day, but there has been some break in the clouds and it is somewhat sunny and warm now! That will not stay for long though as this low pressure system moves closer and passes over our area. It is connected to a cold front, so once that passes, the temperatures will drop slightly.

 It was a beautiful weekend with sunny skies and warmer temperatures. That was due to a southerly wind flow and a warm front that moved our direction. Tomorrow I believe that we will see slightly cooler temperatures due to the passing of that low pressure system. The day will start cloudy as the system will be located over the top of our area. As the day progresses, the skies will gradually clear up and the winds will become stronger. As the picture shows, there will be a fairly large pressure gradient in a short distance which will lead to increased wind speeds.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36° F
Wind Chill: 29° F
Wind Direction: NW at 10 mph
Dew Point: 22° F
Barometric Pressure: 1020.4 mb

It is another beautiful day here in Eau Claire. After rain all day yesterday, it is nice to have warm temperatures with sunny skies! The skies have had some cloud cover which appeared to be fractocumulus clouds. The temperatures have stayed fairly steady in the mid 30's and it is only supposed to get warmer over the next couple of days! There is a high pressure system that will be sitting over most of the Midwest for the weekend which will allow us to have sunny skies and the south wind will bring in warmer temperatures. Towards the end of Sunday, a low pressure system will be approaching our area which will bring wetter conditions to our area Monday.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 37° F
Wind Chill: 32° F
Wind Direction: E at 7 mph.
Dew Point: 35° F
Barometric Pressure: 999.0 mb

It has been a gloomy day in Eau Claire! When I woke up this morning, it was cloudy and it was starting to mist. It has been precipitating all day long and does not appear to be letting up anytime to soon. The clouds appear to be stratus. The winds have been fairly mild for most of the day with the low pressure system dominating the area.

This system has lots of fuel available which will contribute to the long lasting showers we have had today. As this system passes, clear sunny skies will most likely follow! Since there was a cold front associated with this low pressure, the temperatures will drop slightly tomorrow, but will warm back up going into the weekend.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 34° F
Wind Chill: 24° F
Wind Speed: SE at 15 mph. Gusts at 23 mph.
Dew Point: 18° F
Barometric Pressure: 1011.3 mb

It was slightly warmer today in Eau Claire, but the wind didn't help to make it feel warmer! We had strong SE winds throughout the day! It was slightly cloudy this morning, but began to clear up as the day went on. By midday, the skies were mainly clear with a few clouds that appeared to be cumulus. As sunset approached, the skies were starting to cloud up. I believe that is due to the approaching low pressure system.

Above is a map of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. There is a large amount of water vapor over much of Wyoming and the eastern half of South Dakota and Nebraska. I believe this is due to the low pressure system that is currently sitting over that area of the country. We are predicted to get rain for most of the day tomorrow.

I believe we will see a fair amount of precipitation tomorrow. Since there is already a large amount of water vapor in the air and a strong southerly wind will be bringing more moist air to our area, I believe this system will have a lot of fuel to produce precipitation for most of the day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 17° F
Wind Chill: 2° F
Wind Direction: W at 16 mph. Gusts at 25 mph
Dew Point: 1°
Barometric Pressure: 1024.1 mb

It has been another cold day in Eau Claire! With temperatures well below zero, the wind chill is currently just above 0° F! It has been very windy most of the day which is causing the low wind chills we are seeing today. There were clear skies this morning, but as the day progressed the skies have gradually clouded up with what appears to be cumulostratus clouds. I believe that tomorrow we will see wind speeds similar to today, but may even be a bit stronger. This will be due to the pressure gradient between the high pressure system over us currently and the approaching low pressure system. As the low pressure system moves our way, it will be connected to a warm front and temperatures will most likely rise as a result.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 25° F
Wind Chill: 18° F
Wind Direction: NW at 6 mph
Dew Point: 22° F
Barometric Pressure: 1021.4 mb

With spring officially being here, hopefully the temperatures start to reflect the change in season! It was a very cool day for March standards with high temperatures only in the mid 20's! As a cold front was passing, the skies were cloudy with what appeared to be altostratus clouds. As the day progressed, the clouds seemed to get lower and thicker and it then began to snow around 1:30 this afternoon. The snow totals ended up only being a slight dusting. I believe that tomorrow we will see cooler temperatures due to the cold front that passed over us with a high pressure following. Due to the high pressure system, we will probably see mostly sunny skies for most of the day.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36°F
Wind Chill: 26° F
Wind Direction: NW at 17 mph
Dew Point: 29° F
Barometric Pressure: 1003.2 mb

With the starting of spring break, I was able to come home yesterday evening. Since I am not in the Eau Claire, this weather prediction will be for Plainview, MN. The winds have switched direction with the passing of a cold front, and they are currently coming out the northwest close to 20 mph. The skies are fairly clear with a few cumulus humilis clouds in the sky. The skies should progressively get cloudier as the day goes on with another approaching cold front.

This weekend should be fairly mild. With the approaching cold front, there will be a slight chance for some snow showers on Saturday, but it should not amount to much if it does snow. The skies should be cloudy most of Saturday, but clear up into Sunday. Temperatures will be slightly lower Sunday than Saturday due to the passing cold front. It is then projected to warm up into the mid 30's again at the beginning of next week

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 42° F
Wind Chill: 35° F
Wind Direction: SW at 14 mph.
Dew Point: 29° F
Barometric Pressure: 1007.4 mb

It is another great day to be outdoors in Eau Claire! The temperatures are in the lower 40's and are supposed to stay there into Friday. The skies were clear today with winds coming from the southwest. That is helping to usher in the warmer air that we are seeing today.

I believe that tomorrow we will have similar temperatures as to what we have today. It will be most likely be cloudy since there will be a low pressure system moving east and it will be just to our north. There are two cold fronts connected with that pressure system. This will likely lead to a change in wind direction and a clearing of the skies as the fronts pass.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 24° F
Wind Chill: 14° F
Wind Direction: NW at 9 mph
Dew Point: 7° F
Barometric Pressure: 1019.4 mb

It is not as warm as yesterday, but still a very pleasant day in Eau Claire. On my way to class this morning, we had fairly cloudy skies with what looked like cirrostratus clouds. As the day progressed, the skies gradually cleared and we are currently experiencing very sunny conditions. I believe this is due to a high pressure that is establishing itself over the upper Midwest. There is a warm front that will be moving into the area tomorrow and will help to raise the temperatures into the 40's once again. I believe that tomorrow we will experience a warm up in temperature and a see a few more clouds due to a warm front moving our way. The winds will probably shift to a more southwesterly direction and bring in some warmer air.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36° F
Wind Chill: 29° F
Wind Direction: N at 10 mph. Gusts at 20 mph.
Dew Point: 20° F
Barometric Pressure: 1013.5 mb

Slowly but surely it is starting to feel more and more like spring. Temperatures were in the upper 30's most of the day with overcast skies covered by what looked like altocumulus clouds. We did not get any rain in Eau Claire, but there was rainfall in southwest Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota. Tomorrow we will have a slight drop in temperatures, but it should warm up again towards the end of the week. Since the stationary front has passed and their is a high pressure system moving in, that is contributing to our colder temperatures tomorrow. It should not last long though with a warm front moving in from the north that should reach our area sometime Thursday.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 49° F
Wind Chill: 44° F
Wind Direction: W at 13 mph
Dew Point: 33° F
Barometric Pressure: 1003.2 mb

It is absolutely fantastic outside today! Sunny skies with temperatures near 50° F are much needed after all the cold we have experienced this winter! There have been some clouds in the area today. I believe they are cirrus clouds since they appear to be very high in the sky and have a wispy look to them.

We have very stable air conditions today with an LI index of 11.6. This makes sense due to the current weather conditions we are seeing with high wispy clouds with a slight west wind. Tomorrow I believe we will see slightly different weather conditions. There will be a stationary front that will be moving across the country that will impact our weather tomorrow. It will bring in cloudy skies most of the day, and with that there will be a slight chance for precipitation most of the day. It shouldn't amount to much if it does rain or snow. The temperatures are predicted to drop into the mid 30's for a high tomorrow and I believe that is due to a cold front that will be moving across our area throughout the evening hours tonight.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 33° F
Wind Chill: 24° F
Wind Direction: N at 12 mph
Dew Point: 27° F
Barometric Pressure: 1014.0 mb

It is a been a fantastic day in Eau Claire! Temperatures were above the freezing point for most of the day, and it is helping to slowly melt all the snow that we have. It has been cloudy most of the day with the skies covered in what appeared stratus clouds. The conditions stayed consistent through most of the day due to the low pressure system that has been influencing our conditions today. As the night goes on the low pressure and cold front that is connected to it will be moving over most of the upper Midwest.

This illustration shows where the different fronts are located across the country. I believe that because of where these different systems are located, we should have very great weather this weekend. There will be a high pressure system that will be moving into the area which will bring clear skies and mild wind speeds. Since a cold front passed, I believe that it will be slightly cooler tomorrow than it was today. Then it should start warming up into Sunday. The skies should be mostly clear all weekend and early into next week.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 27° F
Wind Chill: 16° F
Wind Direction: S at 13 mph. Gusts at 22 mph.
Dew Point: 16° F
Barometric Pressure: 1020.0 mb

Other than very strong winds, it was a another beautiful day in Eau Claire! The day started off cold and cloudy, but got better as the day went on. In the afternoon, the skies began to clear up, and by the evening hours we had a few cirrus clouds in the area.

This graphic shows how most of the Midwest had clear skies with a south wind. Where the skies start clouding up is around the low pressure system with the warm front that is approaching our area. The south winds that we are experiencing are helping to bring warmer temperatures to our area. I believe that tomorrow we will see warmer conditions as well as a chance for some snow and freezing rain.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 19° F
Wind Chill: 6° F
Wind Direction: NE at 13 mph
Dew Point: 6° F
Barometric Pressure: 1033.2 mb

It is finally starting to feel like spring! It is sunny today with temperatures around 20° F and it is predicted to get a little warmer throughout the remainder of the day! There is a high pressure system north of the Great Lakes which is causing the clear skies we are seeing today. We have very stable weather conditions, with a very low KI index and very high LI index.

I predict that tomorrow we will see conditions similar to today. There is a warm front approaching our area from the West which have an impact on our temperatures tomorrow, as we are predicted to reach 31° F! With that approaching front, I believe the winds will shift to a more southerly direction as compared to today. As the front approaches, the skies should begin to cloud up as well as the wind speeds.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 16° F
Wind Chill: 7° F
Wind Direction: E at 6 mph
Dew Point: 5° F
Barometric Pressure: 1023.6 mb

Well, with the closing of winter by meteorological standards, we have had the coldest winter in recorded history in Eau Claire! Unfortunately winter doesn't stop by meteorological standards, and we may still have a few more weeks with snow in the forecast.

That being said, we have had a slight warm up today, and it is expected to continue to warm as the week progresses. Today we have had nice temperatures with a high near 20° F with overcast skies. I predict that tomorrow we will see much of the same conditions that we have seen so far today. The main difference would be that the skies should start to clear up as the day goes on. There will be a high pressure to the north that will be influencing the weather conditions that we will be seeing.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 6° F
Wind Direction: W at 3 mph
Dew Point: -10° F
Barometric Pressure: 1033.9 mb

March arrived this weekend and brought more very cold and windy conditions with it. High temperatures were only in the single digits and that is about 25° F below the average temperature for this time of year! Today isn't much different, with the current temperature at 6° F and with a predicted high temperature of 12° F. It has been overcast for most of the day with a slight wind from the west. Tonight there is a slight chance of snow and Eau Claire is only predicted to get 1-2 inches total. Tomorrow I predict that we will have similar conditions to what we are seeing today. Once the snow moves through, the skies should stay mainly over cast, but it may be slightly warmer than it is today. The winds should be fairly mild as well since there is no great change in pressure systems.