Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36° F
Wind Chill: 29° F
Wind Direction: N at 10 mph. Gusts at 20 mph.
Dew Point: 20° F
Barometric Pressure: 1013.5 mb

Slowly but surely it is starting to feel more and more like spring. Temperatures were in the upper 30's most of the day with overcast skies covered by what looked like altocumulus clouds. We did not get any rain in Eau Claire, but there was rainfall in southwest Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota. Tomorrow we will have a slight drop in temperatures, but it should warm up again towards the end of the week. Since the stationary front has passed and their is a high pressure system moving in, that is contributing to our colder temperatures tomorrow. It should not last long though with a warm front moving in from the north that should reach our area sometime Thursday.

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